The Learning Center gives you instant access to thousands of pages of printables. It's your one stop destination for education and planner printables!
The price is currently just $5/month or $27/year. As of February 2024, there 750+ printables ready and waiting for you to download them right now. 😱
The Learning Center is a quick and easy way to access hundreds of educational printables to keep your children or students busy & learning, screen free.
Members also receive monthly exclusive bonus content and new printables are added weekly.
Who is the learning center for?
The Learning Center is a good fit for you if:
- You are the parent, caregiver, or teacher of children ages 2 - 8
- You need fresh ideas and materials for your child/students
- You want to free yourself from time-consuming, high prep activities and long hours scrolling Pinterest or TPT looking for materials
The Learning Center currently contains direct download links for 657+ printables - and the collection is growing every day! Join now to lock in your low price for as long as you remain a member, even after the price goes up.
The Learning Center is easy to navigate with printables arranged in attractive categories.
There are two ways to become a Learning Center member. You can join monthly or snag an annual pass for the greatest savings.
The price is currently just $5/month or $27/year. That's as little as 7 cents a day!
(Keep scrolling and look for the row of purple arrows to enroll today!)
What is included in The Learning Center?
The Learning Center is hub where you can find Artisan Life printables quickly and easily without the need to navigate to different blog posts. Just pick the category of printable you're looking for and download away!
As of February, 2025, 750+ printable packs are in The Learning Center and I add new printables each week. Printables featured in emails will always be uploaded to The Learning Center.
Members receive surprise bonus content each month. This bonus content is either exclusive to Learning Center members or a premium, paid product.
Select items from the Artisan Life store are available in The Learning Center.
There are NO download caps, annoying CAPTCHA, or coupon codes to remember. Just log in and download away!
Questions thoughtful people ask:
Q: Who are you and what do you know about teaching?
A: I'm glad you asked! I'm Natasha. I hold a Masters of the Arts in Teaching. After the birth of my daughter, I decided not to return to the classroom. Now my daughter is in kindergarten and I'm a homeschool mom.
Q: Can't I just get all these things for free?
A: For the most part, yes...if you don't value your time.
The Learning Center provides an easy, convenient, and time-saving way to access printables published for free on The Artisan Life blog and selected premium, paid printables.
You could spend hours downloading everything from each and every post, or you could simplify your life and just log into The Learning Center.
Q: Are you going to mail me anything?
A: This is a digital membership for digital download files. You will not receive anything in the mail.
Q: How many downloads do I get a month?
A: You may download as many resources as you'd like each month. There are currently 750+ printables in The Learning Center.
Your membership price will be locked in as long as you remain an active member, even when the price increases the future.
Q: What license comes with the printables?
A: Unless otherwise noted, printables are licensed for personal and single classroom use. This includes use with therapy clients, homeschool co-ops, and other similar situations where you are using the resources with your children or students.
You are not licensed to sell or redistribute the files or print outs to other adults for use with their children/clients/students. If you are interested in sharing Learning Center printables, please contact me to ask about my affiliate program.
Q. Are there refunds?
A: Due to the digital nature of this product, sales are final.
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