These free printable pumpkin patch color by number worksheets are a fun way to help little learners practice their number recognition. They can be used at any point during the fall season or for a harvest themed lesson plan. I hope you enjoy!

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Color by number worksheets are no-prep fun for kids. They're also a fun way to help children practice their color recognition, number recognition, hand-eye coordination, fine motor skills, and sight words.
For more fall themed fun, be sure to check out these additional free printables:
How to use color by number pages
Number coloring pages are no-prep, fun, and educational.
These pages are best suited to pre-k, kindergarten, and first grade students.
If your child is still working on his or her color words, you can make color keys by coloring in the tip of each crayon with the appropriate color. Older children who are reading color names can make their own key.
You don't need many materials to make and use this pumpkin patch coloring book. Here's what you'll need:
- Your PDF file
- Paper and printer access
- Crayons or colored pencils
- PEARL CRAYONS: Features 24 Crayola Crayons in pearlescent colors.
- SPECIALTY CRAYONS: Pearl crayons combine shine and texture that changes under different light.
- WORKS ON LIGHT & DARK PAPER: Draw and doodle on light or dark paper with these pearl inspired coloring supplies!
This set includes six pages of cute pictures with numbers 1-6. Here's a look at what you're getting:
First, download your free number coloring sheets from lower down in the post. Look for the row of purple arrows pointing the way.
Next, print the pages you want to use.
Show your child how to select a number, identify the color, and then color each space containing that number on the page.
Free pumpkin color by number pages PDF file download area
These printable coloring pages are licensed for personal, non-commercial use. This includes use in your personal classroom.
You are not licensed to redistribute the files or the print outs to others. Please refer friends and colleagues to this post so they can download their own color by number worksheets.
I hope you enjoy your printable number coloring book for fall! Be sure to check out the additional free printable activities below for more no-prep and low-prep options for your child or classroom.
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